Our Mission

We nurture students’ proactive use of technologies for social good from a young age, and mainstream computational thinking education in Hong Kong’s formal curriculum.
We prepare our students for a fast-changing digital future through a hands-on, minds-on, and joyful learning experience. We empower teachers and provide them with high-quality teaching materials and professional development programmes.
Our Goals

Mainstream Computational Thinking in Formal Curriculum
We see computational thinking as a Basic Education, and commit to bring CoolThink curriculum to all primary schools in Hong Kong. Every student should have the equal opportunity to be successful by learning this 21st century skills and making use of innovation to become a creator, not mere consumer of technology.

Sustainable Teacher Capacity Building
We build multiple layers of teacher professional development to unleash the passion and self-confidence of educators in supporting their computing lessons. Continuous professional development for pre-service and in-service teachers should be made available to enhance their motivation and commitment to teach CT.

Community and Parent Support
We collaborate and seek supports from our community stakeholders, non-profit organisations and parents to promote the importance of CT education. We also engage NGOs to serve underprivileged families in the community to ensure inclusive and equitable quality CT education.

Ecosystem Change and Long-term Sustainability
We are working hard to make the ecosystem change and ensure all our key stakeholders including policy makers, educators and parents continue to promote and support computational thinking education development, make CT for ALL a reality. We also advocate CT to more regions and drive international exchange and development.